Sandra Liliana Ibáñez-Calero
Sandra Liliana Ibáñez-Calero

Phone: +591 (2) 2165700 – Int. 135
E-mail: sandraibanez@lp.upb.edu
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Research Gate
- PhD in Chemistry of Biomolecules (University Paul Sabatier, Tolousse, France)
- MSc in Chemistry (University of Illinois, Illinois, USA)
- BS in Chemical Sciences (University of San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia)
- Natural Products Chemistry: Chemical studies in plants, insects and marine species.
- Separation, purification and identification of metabolites with potential industrial application.
- Application in pharmaceutical industry: obtainment of plants’ antifungal compounds.
- Purification and structural elucidation of active metabolites. Biological assays in vitro and in vivo. Obtainment of antifungal ointments. Application in food, textile, cosmetology and pharmaceutical industries: obtainment of natural dyes from plants and insects.
- Purification and structural elucidation of active metabolites. Implementation of extraction techniques at the industrial level. Application in the food and pharmaceutical industry: Obtainment of antioxidants from plants for use as food supplements and/or nutraceuticals. Phytochemical works in separation, identification and quantification of antioxidant metabolites. Preliminary biological Essays.
- Chemistry of Bio-molecules: separation, purification and biological essays of active compounds from Bolivian plants. Evaluation of metabolites against parasitic diseases. Studies on structure-activity relationships. Implementation of chemical reactions to study natural redox processes. Search of vegetal species with antimicrobial, anti-tumoral and antiviral activities. Isolation, purification, structural elucidation, and biological assays of natural antiviral compounds.
- Chromatographic methods and techniques: thin layer (analytical, preparatory, bi dimensional, bio-TLC), open column, flash, medium pressure (MPLC) high pressure (HPLC), ionic exchange, molecular exclusion, countercurrent centrifugal chromatography (CCC), chromatroton.
- Analytical Methods and Techniques: Spectroscopy: of infrared with Fourier’s Transformed (FTIR), of Ultraviolet (UV). Spectrometry of masses: of electronic ionization, of rapid atomic bombardment, of chemical ionization, of high resolution (EM-EI,EM-FAB, EM-CI, EM-HRMSMS). Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of 1 and 2 dimensions (NMR-mono and bi dimensional).
- Biological methods: Assays: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Saline Artemia, antitumoral.
- Chemical-Biological Methods: Chemical reaction of the inhibition of crystallization of ferriprotoporfirina.
Professional Activity
- Professor- Researcher, Institute of Chemical Research, Chemical Sciences Career, Faculty of Pure and Natural Sciences, Major University of San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia.
- Researcher: Institute of Pharmacy-Biochemical Research, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Major University of San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia.
- University Coordinator: Master in Natural Products Chemistry, Chemical Sciences Career, Faculty of Pure and Natural Sciences, Major University of San Andres, La Paz, Bolivia.
- University Professor: Faculty of Engineering, University Our Lady of La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia.
- Research Internship: Department de Chemistry, University of Reims, Reims, France. Chemistry Department, Carnegie Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
- Teaching and Research Assistant: Chemistry Department, University of Illinois, Illinois, USA.