Center for Research in Architecture and Urbanism
The Architecture and Urbanism Research Center (AURC) was created with the following objectives:
• Implement, develop, execute and consolidate research projects in the areas of Architecture and Urbanism.
• Conduct technical-scientific studies to help solve the needs of the region and the country in sensitive areas.
Date of creation
January 2010, Rectoral Resolution No. UPB-RR-001/2010
- Architecture and design: Theory of architecture and design, evolution of architecture in Bolivia, transformations in architecture, representation and modeling.
- Habitat and housing: Housing in Bolivia, social housing, informal settlements, housing policies, housing financing.
- Urban and territorial development: Urban theory and history, urban and territorial planning processes, real estate markets and urban financing, socio-spatial differentiation, urban mobility and transport, public space and civic culture, territorial information systems, cadastre, landscape and territoriality.
- Environment and habitat: Energy efficiency in buildings, thermal, acoustic and visual comfort in buildings, urban and architectural environmental impact evaluation, bioarchitecture.
- Built patrimony: Conservation and rehabilitation of architectural, urban and territorial built patrimony, cultural and social patrimony, theory, history and valuation of architectural, urban and territorial patrimony.
- Technology and construction: Rehabilitation and pathologies of construction, new technologies, technologies for social housing, new procedures.