Innovation Center in Information Technologies for Education and Business
The Center for Innovation in Information Technologies for Education and business was born with the name of CESI (Center for Studies in Computer Solutions) in 2012 with the aim of developing software for clients from abroad, specifically from Spain and the United States, and then derived its activities to also serve national clients. The center expanded its services in Education by applying Information and communication technologies, thus, in April 2016 it changed its name to CITIEE.
The CITIEE develops software through the use of agile technologies that allow obtaining the best solution for the client. It uses various types of technologies in order to obtain secure and high-performance solutions, combining new technologies with user-friendly applications that can be viewed from a computer, tablet or cell phone.
August 2004, Rectoral Resolution No UPB-RR-012/2004
CITIEE offers the following types of services to clients:
- Web Systems Development: CITIEE is a specialist in Web systems such as CMS, ERP and custom systems.
- Development of Mobile Applications: CITIEE is a specialist in the Android platform, it has made custom applications and connected to ERP for web services.
- Development in Desktop Environments: Applications in desktop languages such as .Net and Java.
- Graphic Design: CITIEE also works in the graphic design area for the development of web pages and service providers for the elaboration of logos for companies, brands, posters. CITIEE is in charge of the layout of a magazine that is published in print and digital.