Research centers
Get to know our Centers
The Research Centers are operational units dependent on the Vice-Rectorate for Research, in charge of materializing the execution of the Strategic Research Areas, which are relevant generic areas of knowledge, prioritized by institutional vision and policies, which link institutional and social relevance with the analysis of the context and that give the University an academic identity in the field of research.
Each Research Center is in charge of all the projects related to a specific assigned strategic area, structured within programs and lines of research. Each Research Center is led by a Director and has an assigned staff of researchers, research professors, and research students.

Get to know our Centers
The Research Centers are operational units dependent on the Vice-Rectorate for Research, in charge of materializing the execution of the Strategic Research Areas, which are relevant generic areas of knowledge, prioritized by institutional vision and policies, which link institutional and social relevance with the analysis of the context and that give the University an academic identity in the field of research.
Each Research Center is in charge of all the projects related to a specific assigned strategic area, structured within programs and lines of research. Each Research Center is led by a Director and has an assigned staff of researchers, research professors, and research students.
Research Publications