Economics teachers
Pamela Córdova Olivera

Education: Economist, (UMSS); Doctorate in Economics with a specialty in Quantitative Methods, (UPB). MSc. Economics with a major in Development, Belgian Technical Cooperation - (UMSS); Diploma in Quantitative Methods, (UPB); specialist in impact evaluation CATIE-Costa Rica.
Position: Head of the Economics Career - Researcher at the Center for Economic and Business Research (CIEE-UPB)
Subjects: Economics of Labor I, II, III; Econometrics I, II; Health Economics and Education.

Soraya Román Eizaguirre

Education: Degree in Economics, Bolivian Private University - La Paz, Bolivia. Master in Economics, University of Chile - Santiago, Chile. PhD in Economics, Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Position: Teacher-Researcher
Subjects: Health Economics and Education, Public Economics
Career: She is in charge of the Laboratory of Experimental Economics and researcher at the Center for Economic and Business Research of the UPB, carried out experiments on tax compliance and impact evaluations in the health and energy sectors for institutions such as Medicus Mundi and the Inter-American Development Bank , participated as an exhibitor in national and international conferences (LACEA, CLACSO, BCDE).
Joaquín Morales Belpaire

Education: Degree in Economics and Law with a minor in Administrative Law, Université Toulouse Capitole (France); Master of General Economics, Economics School of
Louvain (Belgium); Master in Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources, Toulouse School of Economics (France); Doctor in Economics - University of Namur (Belgium).
Position: Full Time Professor - Researcher
Subjects: Economics of the Environment
Trajectory: In charge of the academic administration of international programs at the Bolivian Private University (Campus La Paz); His research has been presented and awarded in various conferences at the international level (Lisbon, Paris, Oxford, Cambridge, among others.) and at the national level in the different versions of the Bolivian Conference in Development Economics. In 2013 he was Recognized Ph.D student at the University of Oxford, and is a member of the European Union project for poverty reduction NOPOOR. It is affiliated with the Bolivian Society of Economists and the UPB's Center for Economic and Business Research (CIEE).

Hernán Naranjo Mejía

Education: Economist, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE), Quito, Ecuador; MSc. Management, Economics and Consumer Studies: specialization Environment and Policy, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands; PhD candidate in Agri-Food Economics, Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Valencia, Spain.
Position: Full-time Professor - Researcher
Subjects: Microeconomic Theory I, II, III, IV; Economic Theory I, Fundamentals of Economics I and II; Introduction to Economics, Agroindustrial Economics, Economic Evaluation of Projects.
Career: Worked in Ecuador and Bolivia as a consultant / researcher in projects for entities such as UNICEF, BID, CAN, REVENUE WATCH INSTITUTE, CIP, PROINPA, among others. Academically, she has been an undergraduate and graduate teacher at universities in Ecuador and Bolivia. Among its main topics of interest are the agricultural sector, environment, food security and nutrition, associativity and gender.
Rodrigo Paniagua Tapia

Education: Economist with Master's studies in Economics, Higher Education and Business Administration and specialty in Productivity (PREX - Osaka, Japan).
Position: Teacher
Subjects: Econometrics I, II, III, IV; Economic Development I, II, III; International Economics I, II, III; Macroeconomics and Microeconomics.
Professional career: CEO of the Departmental Council of Competitiveness for 12 years, currently a consultant in productive innovation, undergraduate and postgraduate teacher at various universities.

Carlos Rojas Mendoza

Education: Economist, Bolivian Private University (UPB); MSc. Master in Corporate Finance (European Business School); Graduated with a Master's Degree in Economic Engineering, Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS), Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Position: Teacher
Subjects: Fundamentals of Economics I and II, Economics II, Macroeconomics, Analysis of financial statements, Public finance, Econometrics I and Econometrics II.
Trajectory: Community Fund S.A. F.F.P. - Business Intelligence assistant and SME Banking Business Officer. Banco Economico S.A - Corporate Banking Credit Officer. Banco Fassil S.A. - SME Banking Business Manager. Independent consultor. Professor of Econometrics (Bolivian Catholic University). Teacher (Franz Tamayo UNIFRANZ Private University). Teacher (Bolivian Private University).
Norka Mercado Beltrán

Education: Mgr. In Economics - Local Development, Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS) - Cochabamba, Bolivia
Position: Teacher
Subjects: Introduction to Economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economic Theory II.
Career: Head of Programming and Budgets National Institute of Health Insurance - Ministry of Health and Sports; Consultant General Directorate of Administrative Affairs Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Consultant for tariff studies of public transport - Departmental Government of Cochabamba, Consultant for investment projection, Cercado Municipality, Postgraduate Coordination of the Economics Area - Universidad Mayor de San Simón; Coordination of Postgraduate programs Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo

Claudia Montecinos Borda

Education: Degree in Economics, Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS) - Cochabamba, Bolivia; Master in International Business and Trade (MCI), Bolivian Private University (UPB), Cochabamba. Bolivia.
Position: Teacher
Subjects: Macroeconomic Theory I, II, III and IV; Monetary Policy I, II and III.
Career: National Tax Service Inspector (SIN), Management Inspector - GRACO, Specialist in Socio-Economic Studies (PROMIC), Professor at the Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Researcher in the Macroeconomics and International Trade area, speaker at the Bolivian Meeting of Economists organized by the Central Bank of Bolivia.
Rodrigo Quispe Condori

Education: Graduate in Economics with a specialization in Economic Development (Summa Cum Laude), Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS); Master in Scientific Research, with a major in Economics and Development, Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS) (Fellow of the Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation).
Position: Teacher
Subjects: Introduction to Economics, Microeconomic Theory I, Microeconomic Theory II.
Career: Research Assistant of the Institute of Social and Economic Studies of the UMSS. Associate Researcher of the Agrobiodiversity, Socio-ecological Resilience and Food Consumption Patterns Project of the UMSS and the Swiss Cooperation in Bolivia. Consultant in Evaluation of Public and Private Investment Projects. Academic Coordinator of the Economics Career of the UMSS. Professor at the Universidad Mayor de San Simón and the Universidad Privada Boliviana

Edward Herman Pinaya

Education: Economist, Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS) - Cochabamba, Bolivia; Master's studies at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) - Quito, Ecuador.
Position: Teacher
Subjects: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Public Economics II and Labor Economics.
Career: Researcher, Applied Technology Research Program (UMSS). Technical and Statistical Information Analyst (Superintendency of Popular and Solidarity Economy - SEPS Ecuador). Main areas of interest: Social Economy, Circular Economy and Experimental Economy.
Alejandro Jimenéz Alcócer

Education: Economist, Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS); Graduated Master's Degree in University Teaching, Bolivian Catholic University (UCB), Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Position: Teacher
Subjects: Economic Theory I, Introduction to Economics and Macroeconomics.
Career: Chromart S.R.L - Advertising Campaigns Supervisor. Teacher (University of
Administrative and Technological Sciences UCATEC). Teacher (Franz Tamayo UNIFRANZ Private University). Professor (Universidad Privada Boliviana UPB).

Ernesto Araníbar Quiroga

Education: Graduate in Economics, Catholic University of Louvain - Louvain, Belgium; Diploma in Higher Education, Competency-Based Training, the Executive Committee of the Bolivian University - Bolivia.
Position: Teacher
Subjects: General Economy, Sustainable Development and National Planning and Analysis of the Environment. Trajectory: His conceptual concern has focused on issues of Economic Development and Governance, having published several articles and two books on such topics.
Manuel Rocha Balboa

Education: Degree in Economics, Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS) - Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Position: Teacher
Subjects: Fundamentals of Economics II
Career: Independent Researcher, Speaker at National Meetings of Economists Organized by the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), Guest as speaker at academic sessions of the Institute for Social Sciences Research (INCISO-UMSS) and for the Center for Planning and Management (CEPLAG -UMSS). Research assistant at the Center for the Study of Economic and Social Reality (CERES) (Management: 2015-2016).

Cordova Olivera Pamela | Economy | PhD |
Cordova Pozo Kathya Lorena | Economy | PhD |
Nogales Carvajal Ricardo | Economy | PhD |
Roman Eyzaguirre Soraya Adiva | Economy | PhD |
Morales Belpaire Joaquin | Economy | PhD |
Jordan Sanchez Juan Carlos | Business Administration | PhD |
Pueyo Roy Maria Isabel | Business Administration | PhD |
Cabrera Quispe Juan | Urban architecture | PhD |
Laguna Tapia Jose | Philosophy and Letters | PhD |
Quiroga Ledezma Carmen Carla | Chemistry - Environment | PhD |
Naranjo Mejia Hernan | Economy | PhDc |
Sanjines Unzueta Julio Alberto | Law | PhDc |
Jordan Sanchez Juan Jose | Finance | PhDc |
Barrero Mendizabal Luis Marcel | Computing | PhDc |
Haro Silvia | English | PhDc |
Soruco Rodriguez Robert Fernando | Computer systems | PhDc |
Martinez Cusicanqui Oscar | Economy | Master |
Mercado Beltran Elia Norka | Economy | Master |
Montecinos Borda Claudia Rosa | Economy | Master |
Oscar Olmedo | Economy | Master |
Paniagua Tapia Rodrigo | Economy | Master |
Quispe Condori Rodrigo | Economy | Master |
Rojas Mendoza Carlos Jose | Economy | Master |
Hagens Arnold Jacob Johan | Agricultural Economics | Master |
Arzabe Garcia Giovann | Business Administration | Master |
Galindo Avila Jose | Business Administration | Master |
Molina Davalos Gustavo Williams | Business Administration | Master |
Rojas Palza Fabiana | Business Administration | Master |
Taya Flores Juan | Business Administration | Master |
Alem Zabalaga Natalie | Environmental | Master |
Tinoco Carlos | Arts | Master |
Lora Arevalo Juan Carlos | Audit | Master |
Vargas Enriquez Francisco | Audit | Master |
Martinez Pacheco Irving | Commercial | Master |
Rojas Ortuño Liziel Karina | Commercial | Master |
Cardozo Sanchez Ninon | Communication | Master |
Muriel Quintanilla Claudia Alejandra | Communication | Master |
Yaksic Antezana Galia | Communication | Master |
Arze Barrenechea Juan Alberto | Law | Master |
Vargas Flores Carlos Gustavo | Electromechanical | Master |
Campos Arzabe Karla | Finance | Master |
Gonzalez Pozo Enrique | Finance | Master |
Cuenca Arnez Mirian | Languages | Master |
Peña Astorga Melida | Languages | Master |
Rodriguez Valencia Luis Limbert | Computing | Master |
Siles Rocha Sheila | Linguistics | Master |
Espinoza Romano Vivian | Mathematics | Master |
Medrano Rocha Dodovrosky | Mathematics | Master |
Soruco Solis Roberto | Mathematics | Master |
Duran Zurita Edwin | Electrical Mechanics | Master |
Arzabe Vasquez Hugo Marcelo | Metallurgical | Master |
Lopez de la Rosa Marcelo Bernardo | Computer systems | Master |
Sanchez Patzy Jaime | Sociology | Master |
Aranibar Quiroga Jorge | Economy | Bachelor |
Herman Pinaya Edward | Economy | Bachelor |
Jimenez Alcocer Alejandro | Economy | Bachelor |
Rocha Balboa Jose | Economy | Bachelor |
Vargas Villegas Diana | Business Administration | Bachelor |
Lacunza Veizaga Gary | Public administration | Bachelor |
Escobar Villarroel Gabriela | Audit | Bachelor |
Flores Claudia | Commercial | Bachelor |
Herbas Perez Christian | Commercial | Bachelor |
Dominguez Aguilera Georgette | Communication | Bachelor |
Torrico Lozada Juan Javier | Finance | Bachelor |
Alcocer Vidal Rosalva | Mathematics | Bachelor |
Ballon Medrano Shirley | Mathematics | Bachelor |
Cabrera Cabero Cesar | Mathematics | Bachelor |
Tomas Mamani Samuel | Mathematics | Bachelor |