Calculation of rain attenuation statistics for the TKSat-1 satellite
Pluviobol is a free access web tool, for use by students and professionals working in the field of satellite communications in Bolivia, and in particular, for those who design satellite links with the Túpac Katari satellite (TKSAT-1) in any of its working bands: C, Ku BSS, Ku BSS and Ka. It allows calculating annual statistics of rain attenuation at any of the satellite's operating frequencies and at any geographical point in the country. This information is important when evaluating the performance of a satellite link under rainy conditions. The tool implements the most recent Recommendations proposed by Study Group 3 (SG3) of the International Telecommunication Union, Radiocommunication section (ITU-R).
The applications of Pluviobol are:
- Design of satellite links with the TKSat-1, in its frequency bands C, Ku BSS, Ku BSS and Ka, and ascending or descending direction.
- Comparative studies with rainfall intensity exceeded 0.01% of the time obtained by pluviometric measurements.
- Comparative studies with other physical or empirical models for estimating rain attenuation.
Principal investigator: Gustavo A. Siles Soria, Ph.D.
Web Development and Python Programming: Gustavo Marin Ovando
Collaborator: Alex Villazón, Ph.D. (CINTI)