- Master's Degree in Philosophy from the University of Cambridge (England)
- Social Communication from the Bolivian Catholic University of La Paz.
- Diploma in Higher Education from the London School of Education
- Intercultural Communication
- European Languages and Literatures
She has written El Coronado and other songs (Plural: La Paz, 1996), Panta Rhei (La Quimera: Stockholm, 1998), Bolivia For Export (UCB: La Paz 2001), La ciudad de la Culpa (FLM: Cambridge, 20015) , Tolls (Kipus: Cbba, 2015), Spiritual Feminism in Modern Spirituality Inspired by Latin American India (OCHS: Oxford, 2020).
Founder of the Maha Mantra Lab, Bhakti studio and National Director of Communications of ISKCON (Bolivia), she has published for various print media in Bolivia, Croatia, Sweden and England. She is a Language and Communication teacher.
She is currently preparing her doctoral research on Portraits and Voices of Women in the twelve volumes of Srimad Bhagavatam, a study of comparative literature.

- BA Degree in Social Communication (Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo")
- Specialty in audiovisual production for film and TV (Universidad Europea del Atlántico, Santander, España)
- Specialty in Film, Video and Television Production
- Design of graphic communication, multimedia, and communication technologies
- Producer and film filmmaker with various works of fiction and documentary, short films and feature films broadcast at national and international festivals
- University teacher since 2008, film critic and researcher in visual communication, has published his articles and essays in newspapers, magazines dedicated in visual studies and film analysis.

- Ph.D in Latin American Literature and Cinema (University of Ohio)
- B.A, Communication, Catholic University of Bolivia “San Pablo”
- Degree in Scriptwriting (La Fábrica Escuela de Cine)
- Latin American Cinema
- Bolivian Cinema
- Visual Culture
- New technologies and new media, digital aesthetics
- Digital Storytelling applied to advertising, organizational development and community development
- Latin American Literature and cultures (with special interest in indigenous and Afro-Latin American cultures)
- Luso-Brazilian Cultures
Besides being a researcher at LIComH, at UPB, she is the Head of the Communication Career and professor of the undergraduate courses Audiovisual Language, Scriptwriting, Digital Storytelling, Contemporary Literature and Written Communication, and of the postgraduate course Corporate Communication for a Full Time MBA.
She wrote the Chica Almodóvar column in Ramona, the cultural supplement of the newspaper Opinón, she published articles and reviews on literature in the Literary Bulletin of the Simon I. Patiño Pedagogical and Cultural Center, in El Juguete Rabioso and in Mal Bicho.
She received several awards and scholarships, such as: Diversity Travel Grant, Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS); Graduate Student Conference Travel Award, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, The Ohio State University; Small Grant International Conference Travel Award, College of Humanities, The Ohio State University; Dr. Gordon P.K. Chu Memorial Scholarship (research abroad), College of Humanities, The Ohio State University; Loann Crane Graduate Award for Hispanic Studies Department of Spanish and Portuguese, The Ohio State University; Graduate Student Conference Travel Award, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, The Ohio State University; Small Grant Conference Travel Award, College of Humanities, The Ohio State University.
Former Collaborators

- Film Direction (University of Chile and Mar del Plata Film School)
- Communication Studies (Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo")
- Audiovisual production
- Audiovisual and photographic media
- Bolivian cinema
- Marketing
In addition to being a researcher at LIComH, at UPB he is the director of the Transmedia Communication Laboratory (LCT), from where he conducts educational, commercial and experimental audiovisuals; provides support and advice in audiovisual and photographic media, among other services.
He has worked as an official photographer and as an audiovisual producer for Feicobol, Bolivia Te Espera and Dakar Bolivia Te Espera. He has also been a director, producer, director of photography and advertising editor for Campero, Monopol and Boliviana de Aviación, as well as various fiction short films.