Mgr. Nayra Soliz Villa
Phone: 591 (2) 2170000 int.321
- Bachelor of Commercial Engineering (Universidad Privada Franz Tamayo)
Preparation, execution and administrative, logistics, financial and legal coordination of projects
Since 2017, he has been part of the Center for the Generation of Information and Statistics (CEGIE) of the Bolivian Private University. Performs duties as Financial Administrative Project Manager, developing his work experience around the integral coordination of projects executed in various areas
Isabel Quisbert Arias
Phone: 591 (2) 2170000 int. 332

- Diploma in Business Intelligence Management (Universidad Privada Boliviana, La Paz - Bolivia)
- Diploma in Security Management and Systems Auditing (Universidad Empresarial de Los Andes, La Paz - Bolivia)
- Diploma in Geographic Information Technologies (Universidad Loyola, La Paz - Bolivia)
- Post-degree in Computer Science (Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz - Bolivia)
- Bachelor in Computer Science (Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz - Bolivia)
Development and implementation of computer applications oriented to the processing and analysis of data (data capture, consistency, coding, validation and generation of output tables)
Quality control of data processing, monitoring and control processes.
- At the Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB) from April 2017 to date she is Head of Database Management and Programming, developing computer applications for data capture on mobile devices, online tracking, advancement, quality control and consistency of the databases
- The projects Isabel worked on are the following: Drinking Water and Sanitation Program for Small Towns and Rural Communities, Paternity Program, Employment Support Program, Rural Electrification Program for Renewable Energy, Follow-up Survey for Children's Centers, Consumption of Psychoactive Substances in Penitentiary Centers, International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES), Survey to Measure the Performance of Graduates UPB - Postgraduate, Household Survey for Socioeconomic Impact Study of cable car (Teleférico), Study of Gaps in Obstetric Care Services and Neonatals, Survey for the System of Monitoring and Evaluation of Results of the JALA Project, Portfolio Risk Analysis of Banco SOL
- In the National Institute of Statistics (INE, for its initials in Spanish) from 1993 to 2016 Isabel worked in the Systems area, starting as Programmer and Systems Analyst in the Department of Information Technology and Cartography, as a Programming Consultant and Computer Specialist in different projects related to Processing , Consistency and Data Analysis until 2008 (Household Survey, Child Labor Survey, 2001 Census), Coordinator of the Data Processing Unit until 2013 (2012 Census, Agricultural Survey and Census) and Head of the Information Technology Unit until the year 2016

Teresa Reinaga Joffre Project Operations Director
Phone: 591 (2) 2170000 int. 334
- Master in Management and Public Policies, specializing in Economics of Education, Health Economics and Poverty (Universidad de Santiago, Santiago – Chile).
- Bachelor in Statistics (Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz – Bolivia).
- Senior Technician in Computer Systems (Centro Nacional de Computación CENACO, La Paz – Bolivia).
Quality assurance and supervision, training, database management and survey instrument design.
Quality Assurance for Data Collection for SIASAR, in 100 rural communities in the departments of La Paz, Cochabamba and Chuquisaca (IDB). Trainer to ASQ instructors and ITERs of MIDES to evaluate the Centers for Comprehensive Early Childhood Care (CAIPI) that provide health care, nutrition and initial education to children under 4 years. Training for the applicators of the ITERs instrument, for the application in Children's Centers of Chuquisaca and Potosí, in the framework of the follow-up survey of the impact assessment of the “Grow Well for Live Well Program” of the Ministry of Health of Bolivia (IDB). Quality Assurance to the study on Maternal Mortality in Adolescents in Bolivia as a consultant for the IDB. Survey Quality Assurance Services, Instrument Design, Consultant of various projects with IDB, proCAP - SDC, Swiss Cooperation, PADEP-GTZ, WB, ISEC, CIDES-UMSA, SIMECAL, among others, since 1989.
Santiago Albarracin Guerra Project Manager
Phone: +591 (2) 2170000 int 332

- Diplomat in Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis (Universidad Privada Boliviana)
- BA in Economics - Mention in Development ((Universidad Privada Boliviana)
- Bachelor in Humanities (FEPPA San Calixto School)
Administration, processing and analysis of databases. Comprehensive organization of surveys and studies: logistics, training, quality control, supervision of information gathering and development of data entry applications. Econometric and quantitative analysis.
- In 2015 he began to be part of the Centro de Generación de Información y Estadística (CEGIE) as an intern, where he performed Statistical Analysis and prediction of macroeconomic indicators.
- From 2016 to mid-2018, he served as Database Manager for CEGIE where he dedicated himself to the Development, maintenance and analysis of socio-economic databases.
- From mid-2018 to the present, he is Project Manager at CEGIE, a position in which he is responsible for the integral organization of surveys and studies.

María Isabel Escobar Rivera Process Quality Manager
Phone: 591 (2) 2170000 Int. 321
- Bachelor in Economics (Universidad Privada Boliviana, Cochabamba – Bolivia)
- Diploma in Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis (Universidad Privada Boliviana, La Paz - Bolivia)
Design, evaluation of instruments, validation and consistency of data.
- Supervise the data collection work (Field tests and training) in educational units in the city of Cochabamba.
- Monitoring and control of information collection and data management processes.
- Preparation of reports / reports of the executed research project.
- BSc Economist with a specialty Sustainable Development (Universidad Privada Boliviana, Cochabamba – Bolivia)
- Diplomat Degree on Higher Education (Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz – Bolivia)
Economics, Research, Politics, Media, International Relations, Data Analysis
Project Coordinator at CEGIE-UPB: Monitoring and control of: financial administrative processes, information gathering processes and data management processes. Activity management at the beginning, during and at the end of the project. Preparation of research-project proposals. Preparation of research-project reports. Control and supervision of information quality. Economic Advice Assistant at Cámara Departamental de Industria: Interpretation of economic statistics, redaction of the daily economic bulletin, investigation research for reports and papers, graphics and tables generation for subsequent analysis, cost structuring for the small and medium business fair, lecture of micro and macro-economic indicators, communication with different businessmen and authorities. Social Research Assistant at Comunidad de Estudios Sociales y Acción Pública: Presentation of socioeconomic informs, display of socioeconomic information in ppt format, creation of a database of surveys, research and investigation of topics to be dealt in reports, redaction of the ADGYS procedure manual, training and analysis of the database collected, search of financing for the making of social projects, lecture of economic indicators.

Bachelor in Economics, Summa Cum Laude (Universidad Privada Boliviana, La Paz – Bolivia)
Development and management of research projects, database analysis and elaboration of academic investigations
Collaboration on the development of academic publications alongside senior researchers from Universidad Privada Boliviana and Universidad de Chile. Responsible of research projects and elaboration of studies such as: electrification, health programs, substance consumption, innovation and gender equality. Database analyst. Private and substitute teacher of subjects like: microeconomics, econometrics, statistics, among others.
Formaron parte del Equipo

- PhD in Economics (Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve – Bélgica).
- MSc in Economic Research (Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve – Bélgica)
- BA in Economics (Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo,” La Paz – Bolivia)
Labor economics, urban economics and social media economics.
Before joining CEGIE, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Chile, where she was also affiliated with the Millennium Institute: Market Imperfections and Public Policies (2016-2017) Santiago, Chile.
During that time he worked on the project “Spatial & skill mismatch of married women in cities,” that was one of the winners of the postdoctoral contest FONDECYT 2016. He was Senior Economist of the Swedish Competition Authority (2015) and worked as a research and teaching assistant at the University of Stockholm (2013-2015) Estocolmo, Suecia. In Bolivia, he worked as an economist in the public, private and international cooperation sectors.

- Bachelor of Economics (Private Bolivian University).
- Bachelor of Humanities (Colegio Domingo Savio)
Among his main specialty areas are:
Data management and processing, data entry application development, data validation and consistency.
- From 2013 to 2015 he was part of the Center for the Generation of Information and Statistics (CEGIE) of the Universidad Privada Boliviana, as a research assistant.
- From 2015 to 2016 she served as a research assistant at CSFC Strategic Conservation.
- From 2016 to the present, she has been in charge of the Database Manager of the Center for the Generation of Information and Statistics (CEGIE) of the Private Bolivian University.
Mariana Garcia del Castillo Head of Process Quality
Phone: 591 (2) 2170000 int. 332

- Bachelor of Economics (Private Bolivian University)
- Bachelor of Humanities (German School Federico Froebel)
- Design and evaluation of instruments for developing projects.
- Economic analysis with emphasis on macroeconomic development and the labor market.
From 2016 to the present he has been part of the Center for the Generation of Information and Statistics (CEGIE) of the Universidad Privada Boliviana. At the CEGIE, he carried out Complementary Survey Data Report, macroeconomic analysis regarding the Study of labor dynamics in small and intermediate cities of Bolivia. She currently works fulfilling the functions of Database Quality Manager.

Yelusa Vargas Bustios Responsable de Calidad de Procesos
Phone: 591 (2) 2170000 int. 332
- Bachelor of Economics (Private Bolivian University)
- Bachelor of Humanities (Amor de Dios College)
- Design and evaluation of instruments for developing projects.
- Economic analysis with emphasis on macroeconomic development and the labor market.
From 2016 to the present he has been part of the Center for the Generation of Information and Statistics (CEGIE) of the Universidad Privada Boliviana. At the CEGIE, he carried out Complementary Survey Data Report, macroeconomic analysis regarding the Study of labor dynamics in small and intermediate cities of Bolivia. Currently he performs fulfilling the functions of Process Quality Manager.

Daniela Ontiveros
Project Coordinator

Flavia Buitrago
Associate Consultant

Guiselle Calvo
Project Coordinator

Gabriela Arteaga Brouset
Associate consultant

Katherine Rivera Gonzales
Associate Consultant

Jesica Rivera Gonzalez
Associate Consultant

Alexander Bersatti Duran
Associate Consultant

Ronald Sauza Jimenez
Head of Field Operations

Juan Gabriel Enriquez
Head of Field Operations

Karen Bonardy Molina
Marketing and Logistics Manager

Andrea Alcaraz

Fatima Rico Encinas
Database administrator

Carla Santalla Alzerreca
Financial Administrative Manager

Diana Hever
Process Quality Manager