Civil Engineering

To offer the community professionals with a comprehensive and innovative training, capable of developing in any area of the profession with a high social commitment, technical and scientific capacity to respond to the needs and problems of the habitat. Professionals who understand the constant transformations of the engineering discipline, who respond creatively to them and assume leadership roles within the framework of our commitment to excellence. Professionals who act with critical, reflective thinking, initiative, and scientific vocation; That they are aware of their ethical responsibility, before society and the environment, committed to national development. Professionals who are dedicated to creating, producing, using, and disseminating state-of-the-art knowledge in areas such as Construction Management, Roads, Hydraulics and Environmental, Structures, as well as those related to business management, employing an innovation and permanent updating in the professional training appropriate to the needs of the environment and society.

- The UPB Civil Engineer is an upright and innovative professional with high social commitment capable of proposing sustainable solutions using logical reasoning and applying available technology.
- The UPB civil engineer is a professional capable of creating, producing, adapting and/or using his knowledge to apply it according to the needs of society, promoting national development.
- The UPB civil engineer is a leading professional whose skills developed during his training help him to face the constant transformations of his professional environment with an ecological, responsible, and ethical sense.

The Student Outcomes that are sought to generate in the students of the Civil Engineering career are presented in the following list, each of the SO's presented are closely related to the technical and generic competencies that are sought to consolidate in each of the subjects with which the curriculum of the career counts.
- Civil engineers graduated from the UPB can solve complex civil engineering problems in the areas of roads, structures, hydraulics and / or sanitary applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
- The construction management and design notions acquired during the undergraduate program make the UPB civil engineer able to apply his knowledge in projects aimed at satisfying the needs of society considering public health, safety, and well-being, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors. Before, during and after the execution of a project.
- The Civil Engineer graduated from the UPB can transmit his ideas to those in charge of the workforce, to professionals specialized in the different areas involved in any construction project and / or the design of civil works, as well as is able to communicate his ideas to people whose training and experience has no relation to the area. In English or Spanish languages
- The Civil Engineer graduated from the UPB proposes safe designs that respect the safety requirements demanded by national and international regulations related to the specific area to which a certain project corresponds, also knows how to identify the impacts that the project implies and propose solutions in global, economic, environmental, and social contexts.
- The Civil Engineer graduated from the UPB can develop in a team fulfilling the role that corresponds to him (leader or part of the team) either in the design or construction of a civil work respecting a work planning and fulfillment of Proposed Objectives
- The UPB Civil Engineer is trained so that through the analysis and interpretation of data you can choose the best conditions of the materials to be used in a construction project and / or define the location of this project.
- The civil engineer can acquire and apply new knowledge as needed using learning and research methodologies.
Curriculum Map of the Civil Engineering career

For more information visit:
Semester |
Code |
Course Name |
1 |
IS1001 |
Programming I |
1 |
IC1002 |
Design for Engineering |
1 |
MA1003 |
Linear algebra |
1 |
MA1001 |
Mathematics for Engineering I |
1 |
QU1001 |
Chemistry I |
1 |
EG1020 |
Written Communication Techniques |
1 |
H1001 |
English Beginners |
2 |
MA1001 |
Mathematics for Engineering II |
2 |
FI1001 |
Physics I |
2 |
MA1005 |
Probability and Statistics |
2 |
EG1013 |
Innovation and Creativity |
2 |
AR2034 |
Computer Aided Design II |
2 |
H1002 |
English Intermediate |
3 |
IC2001 |
Topography |
3 |
IC2002 |
Geographic Information Systems |
3 |
MA1004 |
Differential Equations |
3 |
MA1006 |
Mathematics for Engineering III |
3 |
IE1003 |
Rigid Body Mechanics |
3 |
FI1002 |
Physics II |
3 |
H1003 |
English High-Intermediate |
4 |
IC1001 |
Geology and Geophysics |
4 |
MA1007 |
Numerical Methods |
4 |
IC3001 |
Structural Analysis I |
4 |
IC2003 |
Mechanics of Materials I |
4 |
IE2006 |
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering |
4 |
EG2024 |
Environmental Analysis |
4 |
H2006 |
English Advanced |
5 |
IC2005 |
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics I |
5 |
IC3003 |
Hydrology |
5 |
IC3004 |
Soil Mechanics I |
5 |
IC2007 |
Building Materials |
5 |
IC3002 |
Structural Analysis II |
5 |
IC2004 |
Mechanics of Materials II |
5 |
IP2006 |
Research Methods and Techniques |
5 |
PP2001 |
Business Practice I |
6 |
IC2006 |
Fluid Mechanics II |
6 |
IC2008 |
Environment and Integrated Management Systems |
6 |
IC3005 |
Soil Mechanics II |
6 |
IC3006 |
Reinforced Concrete I |
6 |
IC2009 |
Construction Processes |
6 |
IC3008 |
Steel /Metal and Wood Structures |
6 |
IC2010 |
Costs and Budgets |
7 |
IC3009 |
Sanitary Engineering, I |
7 |
IC3011 |
Hydraulic Works |
7 |
IC3012 |
Roads I |
7 |
IC3007 |
Reinforced Concrete II |
7 |
IC3015 |
Construction Machinery and Equipment |
7 |
IC3016 |
Foundation Engineering |
7 |
IC2012 |
Organization of Works |
7 |
EG2025 |
Leadership and Ethics |
7 |
PP3002 |
Business Practice II |
8 |
IC3010 |
Sanitary Engineering II |
8 |
IC3014 |
Traffic Engineering |
8 |
IC3017 |
Prestressed Concrete |
8 |
IC3018 |
Advanced Computer-Aided Design |
8 |
IC2011 |
Construction Safety Management |
8 |
AD2008 |
Entrepreneurship |
8 |
IP3016 |
Project Preparation and Evaluation |
8 |
IC3069 |
Finite Elements |
8 |
II3060 |
Project Management |
9 |
IC3020 |
Special Structures |
9 |
IC3019 |
Bridges |
9 |
IC3013 |
Roads II |
9 |
IC3040 |
Project Management in Investment Stage |
9 |
IC3066 |
Pathology and Reinforcement of Structures |
9 |
PP3003 |
Degree Project |
10 |
PP3004 |
Degree Seminar: Degree Project |
10 |
PP3007 |
Degree Seminar: Graduation for Excellence |

Where could I work?

The potential employers of the Civil Engineering graduate are:
- In the public sector: Governments, Ministries, International Cooperation Organizations, Universities, Water and land resources management companies,
- Electric power generation companies, hydrocarbon exploitation companies, mining companies, alternative development organizations and environmental sanitation services.
- Private companies dedicated to the design, management, supervision, consultancy preparation, construction and operation of road, hydraulic, health, social development and environmental infrastructure projects.

Carreer History

In Bolivia, the Ministry of Education is the authority that regulates the activities of university institutions. Within this framework, the "Universidad Privada Boliviana – Fundación Educativa", a non-profit foundation, began its institutional operations in the city of La Paz with Ministerial Resolution No. 181/2002 dated June 17, 2002. This resolution authorized the opening and operation of the Academic Sub-Campus in that city.
The Civil Engineering Career at the La Paz campus is governed by Ministerial Resolution No. 0043/2017 dated February 1, 2017. Academic activities began with 12 students enrolled in the I-2017 semester. In 2022, the program celebrated its first annual cohort of graduates, and at the beginning of the 2022 academic year, there were 53 enrolled students.
The Civil Engineering Curriculum, which came into effect in the I-2017 semester, presents 4 areas of specialization: Roads, Hydraulics-Sanitary, Structures and Construction Management.
The graduation profile defined in the program’s plan is aimed at efficiently preparing its graduates for their labor insertion in the country, developing skills such as teamwork, respect for the rules and laws of the country, recognition of diversity, respect for every human being and full predisposition to work with community groups.
The curriculum is designed in such a way that the sequence of assignment of subjects goes by semester, having most of the subjects a prerequisite, which is an indispensable condition to take a certain subject.
The curriculum with which the career is opened at the Fernando Illanes de la Riva Campus in the city of La Paz organizes the program in 9 semesters with a total of 66 subjects taught in 9 semesters, adding a total of 236 credits, some important characteristics are presented below:
- All subjects have 3 or 4 credits except for English subjects and those that are related to the graduation process.
- The curriculum includes elective subjects (4 in total) that offer the option to graduate with a specialization in one of the concentration areas: Structures, Roads, Construction Management and Hydraulics-Sanitary.
- Addressing observed needs of Civil Engineering professionals, the construction management area has been emphasized.

Head of Department

Alvaro Moscoso Wayar, Phd (c)
He oversees the general administration of the Civil Engineering Major of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the La Paz Campus, in what corresponds to administrative and academic aspects, review of plans and programs, as well as the academic monitoring of the students of the career.
His interest focuses on the study of computational mechanics applied to structures when they are part of, for example: Bridges, Buildings, Roof Support, etc. These can be made of any available material. At the same time, there is also interest in the implementation of new materials and innovation of construction techniques in construction.
Why Studying Civil Engeneering at UPB?

Civil engineering is dedicated to the design, construction, and maintenance of large-scale projects. Infrastructure works contemplated around buildings, transportation, hydraulics, sanitation, urban development, and environment; They are part of the specialties of this engineering branch.
As a general objective, we must train professionals with the necessary knowledge to get involved in the practice of civil engineering, who have great capacity to work within multidisciplinary teams, respond to the technical and infrastructure demands required within society; acting in a way that is committed to the environment, with ethical responsibility and social sensitivity.
Perfil del licenciado en Ingeniería Civil

The student must have the ability to learn exact sciences and their application within engineering, ability and interest in the application of science and technology for the benefit of society and the environment. Likewise, you will have to demonstrate the capacity for abstraction, numerical reasoning, problem solving and identification with a systemic approach and decision making. Ability to develop teamwork through effective communication and willingness to lead them.
In addition, in-depth knowledge of the English language is essential to delve into a global and technical language, typical of the field made up of regulations, technical specifications and handling of specialized software.