Student Experience

The experience in the Civil Engineering career is unique because I consider that the University is very well prepared to provide us with knowledge at the best level. Within the career we have teachers who make this experience unique, it is important to have the support of the head of the career that in addition to guide us is always willing to collaborate even in our UPBmatch activities.

Our Students
Testimonials from Civil Engineering students

Camila Patiño
Civil works are transcendental, they improve the quality of life of entire populations and measure the level of development of nations. I learned that studying a career in civil engineering and practicing it is a challenge that involves a lot of responsibility, passion and effort.

Vladimir Ampuero
For me, studying Civil Engineering is challenging and fun at the same time, my main motivation is that I will contribute to the welfare of society with my work; and at the same time, being part of the development of a country is very satisfying. Another of my motivations involves the research part, identifying the current infrastructure problems in our society and looking for innovative solutions to solve them.

Valeria Escalante
Civil Engineering has provided me with tools that allow me to appreciate my environment from another point of view, where each infrastructure is unique and complex. It is a very versatile career that covers many fields of specialization and this is reflected in the variety of subjects that are studied.