Business Administration
Why study Business Administration at UPB?

The UPB Business Administration career curriculum is designed to teach students how to plan strategically, how to create organizational value through mastery and coordination of marketing, financial, human resources and operational principles. Students will have the opportunity to learn to lead projects in all areas of business from the first semester, through business simulators. Because the courses are aligned with today's world business scenarios and competencies and skills are taught from a perspective relevant to industry and the real business sector.
Profile of the Bachelor of Business Administration

The Bachelor of Business Administration is a bilingual entrepreneurial professional (English or French), who responds to a code of business ethics, whose skills allow him to:
• Create, develop and manage public or private companies
• Develop and enhance leadership skills
• Use technology as a management tool
• Design and formulate business strategies for national and international markets.
• Carry out diagnoses and generate innovative proposals in companies of different sizes and sectors.
• Evaluate the economic valuation of companies and propose financial policies.
• Detect investment and expansion opportunities for the company and develop the respective business plans.
Working market

The Bachelor of Business Administration can efficiently:
• Manage a private or public organization
• Create and develop your own company
• Direct human resources
• Manage international business
• Organize quality processes to improve the productivity of
the company

History of the Career

In 1992, by Ministerial Resolution, the UPB Business Administration career was created. The degree, which belongs to the Faculty of Business Sciences and Law of the (UPB), Cochabamba headquarters, is one of the oldest degrees at the University and began its academic activities with 21 students. Business Administration has a curricular redesign that was approved in 2017. This redesign was carried out because globalization and the emergence of new technologies have undoubtedly had a great impact on the business sector. Therefore, throughout these years, the career has evolved according to the demands of the current labor market that is governed according to world trends.
In these 27 years, the career has been consolidated and has gained much prestige due to the complete training received by its students who have then managed to successfully perform in the labor market of the business sector.

Head of the Career
Juan Carlos Jordán Ph. D.
Teléfono fijo: (591-4) 4268287 / Interno 440
He has a degree in Computer Science, a master's degree in Business Administration and a Ph.D. in Economics, he is a professor of the subjects of Statistics, Business Administration, Information Systems, Research Methods and Techniques and Degree I Project in undergraduate courses and Digital Marketing, Research Methods and Multivariate Statistics in graduate, master and doctorate courses. He is interested in academic projects that involve the areas of marketing, information and communication technologies, strategy, internationalization, innovation and entrepreneurship, since 2019 he has been interested in investments in stock exchange agencies, specifically in ETFs such as S & P500. Since 2000, it has started two entrepreneurial projects currently in operation Natureza S.R.L. and Robil S.R.L. He has also been part of several companies since 1998 such as Banco Santa Cruz S.A., Duralit, and as a consultant at CONAM S.R.L. and Aram Consultores S.R.L. He is a member of the editorial committee of the journal Æquiliabræ, of the academic group El Ateneo de Ciencias.