Welcome to Universidad Privada Boliviana

"As Rector of the UPB I warmly welcome you to our website. Here you will find the basic information about our university and have a complete overview of the academic offer and the advantages we offer to students who want to be part of our family.
The Bolivian Private University is committed to academic excellence and our goal is to provide competitive teaching at an international level, training high-level professionals who can successfully compete in the globalized world and generating entrepreneurs for the gestation of new companies.
True to our mission, defined by the Bolivian business community, we guarantee the highest quality in the teaching, research and university extension processes to satisfy the needs of highly trained human resources that are required to achieve the economic and social development of our country.
Let me then open the doors to the University.
Francisco J Mayorga, Ph.D
Rector of the Bolivian Private University.
Board of Directors

Ing. Fernando Campero Prudencio

Ing. Fernando Illanes de la Riva

Ing. Juan Carlos Orsini

Ing. Rudy Rivera Durán
Lic. Enrique Herrera Soria

Dr. Luís Enrique García Rodriguez

Ing. Cristóbal Roda Vaca

Mgr. Rodrigo León Montero

Ing. Julio León Prado

Ing. Edgar Heredia Humérez

Ing. Javier Bellot Montalvo

Lic. Carlos Iturralde Ballivián

Dr. Raúl España Smith

Lic. Daniela Pardo Valle

Mgr. Mario Requena Pinto

Lic. Ivo Kuljis Füchtner

Lic. Eduardo Capriles Tejada

Mgr. Ricardo Anglaril Serrate

Mgr. Rodolfo Ignacio Adler Yañez

Mgr. Rodrigo Ayala del Carpio

Ing. Julio Vargas León

Institutional Philosophy
We are characterized by our commitment to academic excellence, quality of management, ethics, sustainable development, competitiveness and free enterprise.
All our activities are aimed at satisfying the needs of the Business Sector and Society, emphasizing the training of entrepreneurial leaders committed to the development of the country, capable of identifying and taking advantage of the potential of Bolivia. "
Our Mission is: Create, adapt and use knowledge through research, transmit it in teaching-learning processes and disseminate it to the environment through university extension processes ".
Our Vision: "To be the best national university that is a benchmark in Latin America".
- The UPB is constituted as a non-profit institution.
- Total dedication to the training of our professionals.
- Rigorous selection of the best students to obtain excellent results.
- Full orientation towards student development as the main value of comprehensive training.
- Human resources, rigorously selected, focused on producing quality results and doing things right the first time.
- Promote the principles and values of free enterprise and free initiative.
- Comprehensive training of the individual based on respect for ethical values and respect for the law as premises of their permanent action.
- Respect for historical values - cultural, ecological, social, freedom of worship and thought.
- Promote cultural diversity and social and international pluralism.
- Respecting the system of political and economic freedom that upholds the values of free initiative, at the same time, does not allow proselytism and political activity within and on behalf of the university.
- Professionalism, respect, friendship and trust in all human interactions.
- Orientation and adaptation of technology for human benefit.
- Conduct and permanent commitment to the search for excellence in every order.
The model responds to a highly demanding environment of professionals trained to quickly meet the challenges that the country faces in these times of globalization.
The Academic Model Based on Professional Performance of the UPB is a university academic model that organizes the educational process in three dimensions: Development of Professional Competencies, Training for Professional Performance and the Teaching-Learning Process.
The Quality Policy of the Bolivian Private University, commits the quality assurance and continuous improvement of the professional training processes in undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, research processes and university extension processes, thus complying with the requirements, needs and expectations internal and external customers, through the establishment of a Quality Management System based on the ISO 9001: 2015 Standard.
The Quality Manual and the documented information are the instruments that allow the continuous review and improvement of the operating processes at all levels of the university administration.
Each one of the UPB members is involved and is responsible for the development of the Quality Management System, in the context of the Mission, Vision and Institutional Principles that guide the actions of the UPB.
The top management of the Universidad Privada Boliviana establishes its quality objectives (in a meeting of the Quality Committee), including the objectives necessary to meet the service requirements; it also ensures that objectives are established at the relevant functions and levels within the university.
This will ensure equity in access to students.
s objectives that are measurable and consistent with the quality policy are those declared in the university's Balanced Scorecard. These objectives can be summarized through the following lines of action:
- Strengthen academic excellence by incorporating information and communication technologies to improve quality in all university activities.
- Grow in a balanced way reaching national coverage.
- Guarantee the institutional sustainability of the UPB.
The analysis and justification for the creation of a Business University in Cochabamba, must be framed to the economic and social situation that Bolivia experienced since 1985. Before that it would have been very difficult to think about the execution of a work of these characteristics, Not only because the law did not allow it, but because the concepts of globalization and world competitiveness would not have directly put pressure on Bolivian businessmen and less on their union institutions.
The UPB is sponsored by the business community organized through the Confederation of Private Entrepreneurs of Bolivia and the Federation of Business Entities of Cochabamba. Likewise, at the end of the last decade the FUNDES-Bolivia Foundation has promoted the development and qualification of its human resources and infrastructure of classrooms and laboratories.

To download our statutes, please click here.
In order to preserve the spirit of excellence of our Institution, our internal regulations seek to regulate the activities of all members. For this reason, it is mandatory that every member is aware of and accepts these provisions:
- Reglamento Comité Ejecutivo
- Reglamento Institucional
- Reglamento Docente
- Reglamento Estudiantil Pregrado
- Reglamento de Graduación Pregrado
- Reglamento Estudiantil Postgrado
- Reglamento de Graduación Postgrado
- Reglamento de Investigación
- Reglamento de Extensión Universitaria
- Reglamento Interno de Trabajo
- Reglamento de Becas y Ayudas Financieras
- Reglamento de Planificación y Autoevaluación