Mgr. Marcelo Canedo Doering

Graphic Design Program Director - UPB
Graduated in May 1991 from the BFA University of Houston, Texas with a concentration in Graphic Design and a minor in Art History. Master in Higher Education at the Universidad Mayor de San Mayor and Master in Branding and Corporate Image from the Universidad Privada Boliviana. He began his professional development in 1991 as a Graphic Designer in the Advertising agency "Contact", opening his work field as a prestigious designer in several companies at national and international level until today, executing effective design projects in all required communication areas . In 1995 he joined the teaching staff at the UPB and in 2000 he was appointed Head of the Graphic Design program at the UPB. Founder of the College of Graphic Design Professionals Cochabamba - 2002. Collaborator and Manager of education events. Lecturer in Graphic Design Seminars. He is currently Vice President of the College of Marketing Professionals Cochabamba.

Susana Sabath

Position: Teacher
Courses: Graphic representation techniques I and II, Form and Visual Ergonomics
Education: Graduated in 2009 with a Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design at the Bolivian Private University - Graduated in 1994 as a Superior Technician in Interior Decoration and Landscaping from E.D.A.V. As a Graphic Designer
Career: She began her professional work in 2008 working on various projects, in 2010, for a year and a half, she was part of the team of designers of the MKT area of the UPB, in 2012 together with two other colleagues they created a design studio called "Graphic Expresso, having developed several projects in various areas of design, such as Corporate Image, Advertising, Editorial Design, etc. Also working on various projects independently, forming part of the design area in different companies such as InterGraphics SRL, Automundo SRL also managing Social Networks for others, from 2016 to the present. That same year 2016 she began to be part of the UPB teaching staff, currently teaching 4 courses of the curricula.
Ana Michel

Position: Teacher
Courses: Typography I and Typography II
Education: Graphic Design Bachelor from the Universidad Privada Boliviana, Cochabamba. Designer with more than 16 years of experience in the field. Diploma in Higher Education in Competences and Research for Education at the Bolivian Catholic University
Career: She was a designer and Art Director of important advertising and publishing agencies in the country. Currently a partner and art director of La Tribu design studio. Participant in the Type Paris 2019 Program, space where she updated her knowledge in typography with peers from various countries around the world. Co-founder of the project, space where the design of Bolivian letters is documented.

Daniela Pacheco

Position: Teacher
Courses: Design II, III and IV
Education: Graduated in 1998 as a Graphic Designer at the Universidad del Pacifico - Santiago Chile. Master in Branding and Corporate Image of the UPB.
Career: She began her professional career in 1999 as the founder of the DESEÑO PROYECTUAL design studio and the DPAPEL design workshop in Cochabamba - Bolivia, having developed more than 500 projects in corporate image consulting and executed creative design projects respectively. She was named coordinator of the Graphic Design career at UCATEC University (2005). Education event manager (Vitamina Gráfica 2010; International Design Day from 2000 to date; Dá: Adrian Pierini, among others). Winner of the young entrepreneurs' award Santiago de Chile (2000). She has been a national and international lecturer in Design and Visual Communication seminars. Undergraduate and Postgraduate teacher in national universities. Board member of the College of Graphic Designers - Cochabamba 2008 and current member of the Board of Marketing Professionals Cochabamba.
Anahí Alfaro

Position: Teacher
Courses: Drawing III, Illustration I and II
Education: Graduated in 2005 as a Graduate in Graphic Design from the Universidad Privada Boliviana. An MA in Illustration at the Nottingham Trent University in England in 2008
Career: Worked as Project Manager supervising projects for Europe at Connaxis. She was part of the graphic design team of Intergraphics, a Bolivian-Danish company. She has done freelance work in the past decade for Bolivian companies and some foreign companies in which Forgotten Empires, a video game developer studio from the United States and a Microsoft provider, stands out. She is currently working as a teacher at the Bolivian Private University and is finishing her first illustrated album "The Girl from the Island".

Education: Graduate in Propaganda, Advertising and Marketing and Commercial Engineering. She obtained a Master of Business Administration degree with a dual degree from London Business School and Finance (UK) and Grenoble Ecole de Management (France). Diploma in Higher Studies in Marketing from the London College of Marketing, Diploma in Business Intelligence (UPB).
Career: She began teaching in 2001 at the Bolivian Private University in different subjects of the Marketing, Commercial Engineering, Communication, and Graphic Design careers. She has worked in Advertising Agencies such as Leo Burnett and Acresis, and other companies nationwide such as Banco Fortaleza, Gedesa, Gina McConnell, Habitat for Humanity, and the XI South American Games Cochabamba 2018 in Marketing Management positions; and internationally at Armani Exchange and Unite PLC. She has collaborated in activities of various kinds from participating in customer service in events such as the 2012 London Olympics and volunteering for special children (London, England). Invited lecturer at events at various universities such as UMSS and the Bolivian Catholic University. Currently, an active member of the London College of Marketing (CIM) and a board member of the Cochabamba College of Marketing Professionals (CPMC).
Daniel Sotomayor

Position: Teacher
Courses: Packaging I and II, Printing Systems I and II
Education: Graduated in 2005 with a Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design at the Bolivian Private University -
Career: He worked as a Graphic Designer as part of the UPB Institutional Marketing team from 2007 to 2009. He was Creative Director of digital advertising agencies based in the United States (Chicago and Oklahoma) from 2009 to 2016. He was part of advertising agencies such as Chromart, Grafos Publicidad, and Grupo E as Graphic Designer and Art Director. He developed promotional arts, labels, and packaging for Unilever and FINO. He is currently part of the UI / UX team providing support in the area of graphic and web design for internal Jalasoft products.