Student Experience

The civil engineering program at UPB provides excellent training to the future professionals in this fascinating discipline that gives solutions to society's ongoing infrastructure development problems, enhancing quality of life.
The discipline of civil engineering is well-known worldwide and has a high rate of employability on both a national and international scale. The building sector is dynamic, thus it needs constant updating to provide new ideas that fit within the parameters of environmental sustainability. Consequently, it offers professionals several areas of specialization.
Studying Civil Engineering at UPB will provide you with a solid education with a global perspective, preparing you to face the challenges of the future. Our students come from various cities across Bolivia, creating a unique atmosphere where students, in addition to meeting academic demands, can complement their undergraduate development through field practices, laboratories, site visits, professional internships, and directed works in public o private entities. Furthermore, students engage in extracurricular activities, where they often excel, such as sports championships, inter-career competitions, social activities, participation in conferences and student chapters.
Below, a summary of the number of students enrolled per year:

Our Students
Testimonials from Civil Engineering students

Vladimir Ampuero
For me, studying Civil Engineering is challenging and fun at the same time, my main motivation is that I will contribute to the welfare of society with my work; and at the same time, being part of the development of a country is very satisfying. Another of my motivations involves the research part, identifying the current infrastructure problems in our society and looking for innovative solutions to solve them.

Isabel Calderón
I love Civil Engineering, it is a fascinating discipline. I am sure that when I get to practice, I will be able to contribute to the development and growth of my country, in any of the wide fields covered by the career such as structures, hydraulics, sanitation, etc.

Benjamín Calizaya
I chose my career because of the variety of specialties in the different fields offered by the degree, as well as the wide labor demand that exists for civil engineers in most countries.

Martina Camacho
Facing the challenge of studying civil engineering is something that motivates me enormously, since through our education, we acquire skills to make ethical and responsible decisions with a solid foundation. In addition, the university provides an adequate infrastructure, a faculty of excellence and technological resources necessary to achieve our goals in this field.

Francisco Claure
By studying civil engineering, you will be able to be part of progress, contributing with infrastructure and services that are indispensable for the development of a society, using technology and knowledge for the sustainable advancement of communities.

Valeria Escalante
Civil Engineering has provided me with tools that allow me to appreciate my environment from another point of view, where each infrastructure is unique and complex. It is a very versatile career that encompasses many fields of specialization and this is reflected in the variety of subjects studied.

Luis Santiago
Studying Civil Engineering is challenging. The knowledge and skills I learned made me a capable person, now I can collaborate in the development of works that contribute to the growth of regions, cities and of course, improve the quality of life of people. For these and many other reasons I consider this branch of engineering as one of the most enjoyable, important and exciting.

Camila Patiño
Civil works are transcendental, they improve the quality of life of entire populations and measure the level of development of nations. I learned that studying a career in civil engineering and practicing it is a challenge that involves a lot of responsibility, passion and effort.

Andrei Yankovic
I made the decision to study civil engineering mainly to be able to contribute to improving the quality of life of people by building safer and more efficient infrastructures, generating an impact on society as a whole. I believe that the university is the right one for its high academic demands, bringing out the best in each one of us.
Below, the list of graduated students and the titles of their final degree projects

Name and last names | Project Title |
Hector Eduardo Landivar Carrasco | Water Balance of the Titicaca-Desaguadero-Poopó-Coipasa Salt Flat System using Satellite-Based Products |
Nicolás Alejandro Acha Cortés | Hydrological Modeling in the Rocha River Basin using Distributed Precipitation Data |
César Alejandro Escalante Gonzales | Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Colque Rancho Municipality, Punata |
Valeria Alejandra Escalante Gonzales | Evaluation of Investment, Operation, and Maintenance Costs of Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Upper Cochabamba Valley |
Romina Daniela Omonte Cano | Experimental Study for Optimal Stabilization of Clayey Soil from Sillar using a Soil-Lime-Fly Ash Mixture for use in Pavement Structural Layer |
Camila Patiño | Water Management Plan fo the Country Club Cochabamba |
Cristian José Ortiz Fuentes | Final Design Study of Carmen Los Andes Bridge |
Jose Alfredo Rocabado Loayza | Comparative Analysis between Conventional Rigid Pavement and Fiber-Reinforced Pavement for the Northern Bypass Avenue District - 1 Sacaba |
Maria Fernanda Padilla Molina | Analysis and Design of Circular Beams with Horizontal Axis using Castigliano's Theorem. Application to Helical Stairs |
Maria Alejandra Gumucio Alba | Proposal for Implementing Safety and Hygiene Manual for the ”Quintanilla Building Project” |
Ana Paula Herrera Zurita | Structural Improvement Study in Pavement Subgrade Reinforced with Geocells filled with Materials from the Metropolitan Region of Cochabamba |
José Leonardo Blacud Antezana | Determination of Valid Relationships between CBR Results, Dry Density, and Elastic Moduli Obtained with Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) for Fine Soils in the Metropolitan Region of Cochabamba |
Karen Andrea Arnold Narvaez | Evaluation of the Response Modification Factor 'R' Proposed by the Bolivian Seismic Design Guide 2020 through Nonlinear Analysis in the City of Cochabamba |
Juan Pablo Zapata Lizárraga | Application of BIM Tools in the Structural Documentation Process for Monitoring and Controlling Construction of the Montreal Building |
Hector Eduardo Landivar Carrasco | Water Balance of the Titicaca-Desaguadero-Poopó-Coipasa Salt Flat System using Satellite-Based Products |
Andrés Ignacio Jaramillo Herrera | Use of Non-Destructive Tests for Predictive Model Determination for Estimating Secant Elastic Modulus and Compressive Strength of Concretes Produced by Soboce S.A. in the Metropolitan Region of Cochabamba |
Jailine Emilse Tarqui Albornoz | Hydraulic and Structural Design of the 'El Carmen Surutu' Irrigation System in Buena Vista Municipality, Santa Cruz Department |
Vladimir Raul Ampuero Terceros | Analysis of the Effect of Climate Change on the Escalerani System through Hydrological Modeling in WEAP |
José Mario Cata Romero | Functional Evaluation of Runway 15-33 at 'El Trompillo' Airport |
Names and Last Names | Project Title |
Jenny Tatiana Saavedra Jaliri | Hydrogeological Modeling of the Vinto Quillacollo Zone using Visual MODFLOW |
Stephan Bertsch Campero | Technical and Economic Comparison of the Structure of the 7-Story 'Las Panosas' Building between Isolated Footings and the Inclusion of Cast-In-Place Piles |
Stephanie Michelle Estrada Cortez | Hydraulic Verification and Monitoring of the 'Aducción 2: PTAPJove Rancho – Colcapirhua – Zona sud Cochabamba' Project and Technical and Cost Comparison between Concrete Anchors and Bolted Joints |
Cristian Khek Lopez | Comparative Analysis between Hot-Rolled and Cold-Formed Profiles for the Design of an Industrial Warehouse in the Opabusú XI Project |
Victor Agustin Ugarte Diaz | Application of the Strut-and-Tie Model to Pile Caps of Bridge Piles |
Gustavo Ferrel Paredes | Monitoring and Control of the 'Ecoplaza' Building Project presenting a Seismic Resistant Design Proposal under ACI 318-14 Standard and Applying Criteria from the 2018 Bolivian Seismic Design Guide |
Diego Ruben Orellana Casazola | Technical-Economic Analysis of Implementing a Recirculation System for Efficient Water Use in the 'Palma Real' Building in Tarija, Bolivia |
Javier Julio Herbas La Torre | Alternative Design of a Curved Prestressed Concrete Bridge over the Inca Pucara River, Sud Yungas Province, La Paz |
Leonardo Alex Lopez Revollo | Design, Monitoring, and Control of the 'Instituto Bancario Mercantil' Building considering the Bolivian Seismic Design Guide 2020 |